As a part of qualifying for graduation, each Graphic Design student was required to develop and bring into reality, a solution that would impact a current world problem. 
As a first generation graduate, I chose a topic very close to my heart — senior nutritional health. 
Filipinos above the age of 40 make up at least 1/3 of Las Vegas' population of 600,000. 95% of those Filipinos are diagnosed with significant health issues directly related to their diet. 
My design solution is to create a food service that would provide curated meals for specific health issues that coincide with senior food needs as well as an overall option of healthy & more modernized versions of Filipino food for everyone to enjoy, delivered directly to your home.
My solution is SARIWA ( Fresh in Tagalog ). SARIWA's mission is to bring Filipino food into modern health times, while maintaining traditional Filipino flavors building healthier eating habits & create new mindsets to impact future generations — disrupting the current eating cycle & creating a healthier way of life for our Lolas and Lolos.​​​​​​​
Not only will SARIWA keep our elders with us longer, but it would also build a new platform for Filipino foods to new comers! Bringing Filipino flavors to every table. 
All branding identity, marketing materials, food photography and mockups were completed by myself.
I wanted fresh colors that still conveyed a whisper of Filipino culture so we pulled colors from a popular Filipino dish, Sinigang. In addition to colors, I also knew a logo that was clear, strong and concise would be best for my target audience.
As part of a our nutritional service—SARIWA would work with health professionals to develop healthier versions of traditional Filipino dishes that could be selected from through the user’s profile, further customizing their ordering experience; accounting for low sodium, diabetic, etc diets. These weekly options would be processed and then delivered directly to the user’s door, so there’s no defeating feelings when shopping to new ingredients. 
Experience customizing an order through our Figma site!

More To See Here!

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